Company Profile

Established since 2009, You Dun Chao Healthcare Products Sdn Bhd is gradually emerging as one of the leading herbal and nutritional supplement manufacturers in Malaysia, with the flagship UTURN brand of products which are synonymous with quality and innovation.


UTURN health supplements are manufactured in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) approved by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia.


You Dun Chao Healthcare Products Sdn Bhd staunch commitment to quality and safety has led to the creation of a team of competent and qualified Pharmacist, Chemist, Biochemist, Microbiologist, and Geneticist to ensure that every batch of UTURN health supplements undergoes an endless battery of analytical tests in our in-house quality control laboratory to meet the ultimate needs of our customers.


Let’s have a review on this: What would happen if a healthy person does not eat for 7 days in a row? No doubt, this person will die of hunger! sabah snake grass


In addition to air and water, food is one of the main features that men continue to live. The nutrients in food nourish lives. Therefore, nutritious food is a source of life. From the first moment of embryonic development, until the last breath of our days, nutrients continue to nourish our bodies. There is a correlation between “nutritious food and life”.


In the process of metabolism, approximately 90% of the cells in the body will be regenerated after every 6 months. These include the stomach cells that regenerate every 7 days, skin cells – about 28 days, liver cells – 180 days, red blood cells – every 120 days, etc. In short, within about a year time, nearly 98% of the cells in the body will be regenerated.


With averagely 40 different types of nutrients or more, through the processes of metabolism and repairing, damaged cells and organs will be replaced gradually with production of new cells. Henceforth, most diseases are very likely to have a chance of full recovery.
Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus Nutans) contains high flavonoid. The rhizomes contain betulin and triterpenoids compounds. The dried Sabah Snake Grass contains crude protein (>45%) and 17 amino acids.


The nutritional value is high as the plant contains a variety of essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc. which possess good or specific medicinal value. The abundance of Vitamin C, crude protein, fiber, minerals, etc. in the plant has made it a unique food. Vitamin C can effectively eliminate free radicals in the body.


Crude protein also makes the plant a good health food. Fiber absorbs water in the body and stimulates bowel movements.
Besides crude fiber and high calcium, Sabah Snake Grass is also high in other nutrients. The leaves contain certain trace elements like iron, zinc, manganese, copper and nickel. The content of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in the plant is also high. Therefore, Sabah Snake Grass is a good minerals supplier and helps to maintain a harmonious body system.

UTURN SSG Plus Drink (concentrated liquid)

(Minuman campuran Botani Herba Belalai Gajah)
  • lndikasi : Melaraskan haid, membantu merawat penyakit buah pinggang, mengeluarkan detox, meredakan bengkak, meredakan tumor, membantu merawat pelbagai kanser.
  • Sebotol : 500ml 
  •  Arahan : Ambil 2 - 4 sudu besar, 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
uturn ssg plus25 2

UTurn SSG Plus Drink

(Mixed drink of Clinacanthus Nutans)
  • Indications : Regulate menstruation, kidney disease, detoxification, reduce edema, reduce tumor, help to treat various cancers.
  • Bottle : 500ml
  • Directions : Consume 2 - 4 table spoons, 3 times a day before food.

夏遁草復方精华液 (UTurn SSG Plus Drink)
